Tongue Ties, Lip Ties & Buccal Ties!

Tongue, Lip, Buccal Ties

What are they and what can I do if my baby has one?

As parents and guardians, we want nothing more than for our kids to be happy and healthy. With that said, one concern that parents often has is if their baby has tongue tie, lip tie or buccal tie. This can impact your baby’s ability to move their mouth and breastfeed.

At Identity Chiropractic we specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of lip, tongue and buccal ties for those who need it. If you’re looking to gather more information about each of these conditions and potential treatment options, we’d love to help!

Lip Tie vs Tongue Tie vs Buccal Tie

As the name indicates, lip tie is a condition that impacts children in their early infancy. It happens when the movement of a baby’s lips is restricted due to a section of oral tissues being too closely attached to the bottom of their mouth.

Tongue tie is a similar condition. A baby is diagnosed with tongue tie when the base of their tongue is too close to the bottom of their mouth, or if the tissues that attach their tongue are abnormal.

As you can imagine, buccal ties are similar restrictions, just in the upper cheek region of the mouth.

Each of these conditions limits the movement of a baby’s mouth in different ways and, as a result, can lead to issues with breastfeeding (poor/painful latch), blisters on the baby’s mouth, gas, constipation, teeth positioning and speech.

To learn more about tongue, lip and buccal ties, email or call our team!

Signs & Symptoms

If you’re unsure if your little one is struggling with a tie, it can be very beneficial to consult with a trained health professional to assess both you and your baby. Luckily, at Identity Chiropractic our doctors have extra training in diagnosis and treatment as well as a preferred provider network consisting of other supporting health professionals.

Potential Signs:

  • Poor latch

    • Painful latch for mom

    • Biting

    • Clicking sound

    • Excessive drooling

  • Gassy

  • Constipated

  • Fussiness

  • Slow weight gain

Treating Lip, Tongue Tie and Buccal Ties

Fortunately, lip, tongue and buccal ties are treatable conditions. And taking action to do so earlier is always better than waiting. If such a problem persists as your baby grows, it can lead to further problems with breathing while sleeping (sleep apnea), speech and swallowing food. It is not uncommon for a gap to develop between the two front teeth as well.

Did you know, as chiropractors that are specifically trained in diagnosis and bodywork with ties, we can help! Proper diagnosis is always key. Combine that with the correct exercises and we often can help make breastfeeding more comfortable and successful. We also can lead you to the correct professionals for further care if need be. With a preferred provider network consisting of the best pediatric dentist and lactation consultant in Kansas City, you and your little one are sure to get the care you need.

Book an Appointment with Us Today!

If you’re searching for a reliable place to visit in order to improve breastfeeding, your child’s oral health and well-being, please come into Identity Chiropractic! Our team members are excited to meet you and your family and work with you to achieve all your health goals.

Give us a call, visit our website to schedule online, or stop by our location in person to schedule a time that works with your busy day.

Looking forward to helping you!


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