Hip Pain

Chiropractic Care in Kansas City

Hip Pain treatment in Kansas City

Are you experiencing hip pain?


Hip pain can be caused by repetitive stress, chronic posture, poor movement patterns and tightness. Deep squatting or repetitive hip flexion can compress or cause repetitive strain to muscles and tendons that surround and stabilize the hip causing tightness and/or inflammation.

Possible Treaments for Hip Pain

Active Release Technique


Acupuncture/ Dry Needling

Hip Impingment

Hip Impingement (Femoral Acetabular Impingement - FAO) is characterized by tightness and jamming in the hi. It can be caused by muscle or labrum being compressed when the hip is overly flexed like in a deep squat position. Chronic irritation can lead to inflammation, pain, tearing of the labrum and radiating pain.


Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis sydrome, often confused with sciatica, is when the piriformis muscle, a muscle on the back of the hip, becomes tight / inflamed and causes compression of the sciatic nerve It can cause increased pain with both movement and sitting. It is most commonly found in endurance athletes in cycling and running.

Symptoms of Hip Pain Can Include:

  • Sharp pain

  • Jamming

  • Weakness

  • Deep, dull ache

  • Decreased range of motion

  • Numbness or tingling in the low back, hip and/or leg

  • Muscle spasms

Contact us.

If you would like to speak with us about if treatment is right for you, please contact us. It is our goal to make you feel more comfortable when choosing your health practitioner.