Head & Neck Pain

Chiropractic Care in Kansas City

Head and Neck Pain Treatment in Kansas City

Are you experiencing headaches, migraines, TMJ and/ or neck pain and tightness?


Neck pain can be a burden and is often caused by stress, muscular tension, poor posture, disc injuries and irritated nerves. Neck pain tends to be a result of inefficient strength and poor posture that leads to tightness in certain musculature and weakness in others. Chronic stress can also lead to poor breathing techniques that increase tightness in the neck, traps and shoulders leading to pain that can be felt in the neck, shoulders and down into the arms and hands.

Possible Treatments for Head & Neck Pain




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Headaches & Migraines

Headaches are often a results of tight musculature and restricted joints in the upper back and neck. Stress, posture and muscular imbalance can all lead to tight musculature and joints that effect headaches and migraines.


Neck Pain

Neck pain is often caused by daily activities that put our bodies in a poor position. Combine that with stress, improper breathing mechanics and muscular compensation patterns and you are almost sure to experience neck pain and tightness at one point in your life.

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TMJ & Jaw Pain

Tightness in the neck, stress and clinching your jaw can all be causes of TMJ pain. Research has also shown that upwards of 45% of neck pain cases will also have TMJ dysfunction.


Symptoms of Neck Pain Can Include

  • Decreased range of motion or mobility

  • Sharp pinpoint pain

  • Headaches

  • Migraines

  • Fatigue

  • Numbness or tingling into the arm or hand

  • Muscle spasms

  • TMJ dysfunction

  • Poor sleep

  • Anxiety / stress

Contact us.

If you would like to speak with us about if treatment is right for you, please contact us. It is our goal to make you feel more comfortable when choosing your health practitioner.